
Through this blog, Jencey Consulting hopes to provide up-to-date information to clients throughout the year. Upcoming events, changes in products and other interesting and useful information about Pinnacle products will be provided.

Security Issue In Pinnacle Pro Sept. 2011 Build Release

November 16, 2011
Pinnacle Professional, Security Settings, Software

They don’t make dashes like these anymore....

After working with one of my clients on an issue they were having it was decided that there had been a security change within the Sept. 2011 release of Pinnacle Pro. Because of this security issue we sent the following email out to our mailing list. If you are not already on the mailing list please sign up.


Good Day Pinnacle Pro Users,


Today, I was working with a yard that brought to my attention that the Sept. 21 Build has a potential ‘hiccup’ with the security on your LOG SEARCHES CHECKBOX. I do not know if everyone is impacted but it is a good idea to check as your staff maybe able to turn on and off the ‘log searches.’ In order to verify this please do the following:

  • Turn security settings on
  • Open a Find Parts Screen
  • Place your mouse over the checkbox for Log Searches located in the lower right corner of the Find Parts Screen.
  • CTRL-RIGHT CLICK on the checkbox and a security window will appear. It looks like the attached image (LOGSEARCHES.tiff).
  • Under the column ENABLE make sure any group you do not wish to have the ability to TURN OFF or ON the Log Searches is Unchecked.
  • Once updated select “OK” and turn off security settings.

This can greatly impact the number of searches a salesperson is doing as they can pick and choose when to turn it off as well as distort Pinnacle Screen Recommendation.



Jen (Jencey) Wilson

Log Searches Security Settings

Log Searches Security Settings


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