
Through this blog, Jencey Consulting hopes to provide up-to-date information to clients throughout the year. Upcoming events, changes in products and other interesting and useful information about Pinnacle products will be provided.

What’s Coming in 2011…

January 27, 2011
New Year

We found this image rather entertaining...

Every year businesses create a lists of goals for the upcoming year and plans to achieve those goals. We are no exception to goal setting and planning. We are exceptionally excited to share what we have planned for this upcoming 2011.

  1. •Video Tutorials: Covering not only smaller “how-to’s” but module videos on how to use components of Pinnacle.
  2. •Pinnacle Focused Seminars: No longer will you need to wait an entire year to get some specialized group training.
  3. •Online Forum: for users to share information and receive feedback from us.

This is just what we have slated for 2011 and we hope to achieve each of these goals! Wish us luck on our endeavors!


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